Welcome to the
Mandl School
Academic Orientation

Department Chairs
Please select the meet link of your department chair from below
Next Steps
Click on "Join Us" button below to meet your Academic Affairs team. Then, find your program to watch a video from your department chair and student ambassador. After that, read through the important documents and the FAQ before proceeding to join a live call with select personnel in their allotted times.
Don't forget to take the survey at the end of your experience! It is provided below.


On the laptop/computer: Open this website in Google Chrome and be logged into your gmail. Then, from below, either click on the picture for each session, or copy and paste the meet code into meet.google.com
On the phone/tablet: Download Google Meet from your app store. Open this website in your browser and either click on the picture for each session and follow the steps prompted on your device, or copy and paste the meet code into the app